Tonight, I went to dinner with "My Ashleys." Two of my very best friends are both named Ashley, and I met them for dinner and we chatted for 3 hours! It was way overdue and SO much fun.
I guess I should start by explaining that we never call either of these girls by their first names. I'm not really sure how this got started, but I guess we just decided that they needed nicknames so we wouldn't get confused with two Ashleys in our group of friends. So, for the past 7 years they have been known as "Lass" and "Post". And now, I would like you to meet My Ashleys...

Ashley On The Left = "Lass"
Lass and I both majored in accounting in college so we spent A LOT of time together, and I'm not sure if I would have made it through Senior year without her--she definitely kept me sane! She is such a wonderful friend and I really can't imagine life without her. Lass just got married in May and was such a beautiful bride! Sadly, she is moving in about three weeks... =( Her husband just graduated from law school and has been accepted into a Tax Law program in Gainseville, FL. I am so excited for the two of them because it is going to be such an adventure, but I'm SO sad she will be so far away!
Ashley In the Middle = "Post"
There aren't enough words in the English language to describe Post...she is just an all-around AMAZING person! She is that type of friend that you could call in a time of need and she would drop everything to be with you. Post is getting married next March, and I am soooo excited--it's going to be a beautiful wedding. Once she gets married and settled down in her new home, she is going to start her own event planning business. She is such a go-getter and so creative--she will do so well with it!
Both of these girls are absolutely amazing, and I couldn't live without them. They are definitely two of my forever friends. I love them so much!